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The Program by JSHealth: My 8 Week Plan to Quit Diets Forever & Live The Healthy Life

18 January 2017
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The first ever online program that will change your mind and body, teaching you to live a healthy life and give up dieting, for life. 


My 8-week plan will guide you to giving up dieting for life and finding a balanced approach to life, food and weight. It will help you find freedom with food and build a healthy relationship with your beautiful body. It focuses heavily on body image and disordered eating because I have been there – and I care so much about helping young girls overcome this. I am beyond excited to share this with you…..!!!





Do you find yourself obsessed with numbers, calorie counting and scale watching?

Does the number on the scale determine your self-worth?

Are you tempted by every new diet trend, but haven’t been able to maintain the results?

Are you restricting your food intake, only to end up bingeing?

Are you stressed and feeling disconnected from your body?

Are you confused and overwhelmed by all the health information out there?

Does food often make you anxious?

Do you feel like you don’t even know where to begin with your health journey?

Do you feel you are too time poor to make healthy dishes?



By signing up to this program, you’ll have taken a huge leap in the right direction for your health, happiness and wellbeing.


This course is all about shifting your perceptions and behaviours on eating, and ultimately find balance. I want to help you to give up fad dieting, and commit to a healthy, sustainable way of eating – now and forever. I’m here to block out the noise of the diet culture, so that you can figure out what works for you, and make choices to help your unique body to thrive. Health is a lifestyle, and it needs to be easy to manage, as well as enjoyable. That’s the JSHealth way, and that’s what I’m here for: to support your journey to feeling and looking your absolute best.


By the end of the program, you’ll feel reconnected to your body. You’ll be well on your way to ditching the tormenting cycle of dieting. You’ll let go of the deprivation, restriction and bingeing, and learn how to find freedom with food and make peace with your body. You’ll begin to view food as a source of nourishment, rather than something to be feared. You’ll really tune in to your body, and take steps to becoming a mindful and conscious eater. Because that’s what you deserve. Life is meant to be lived with joy, not despair.


During the eight weeks, we’re going to go through the different facets of health. We’ll talk about the dangers of stress on the mind and body, and how dieting, calorie counting and intense exercise exacerbates this. Together, we’ll work on steering your perception of ‘health’ away from any extreme or obsessive mentalities around food and weight, because they Do. Not. Work. And they’re the furthest thing from healthy.


This program will also show you just how achievable healthy living can be. It’s not complicated at all; it’s actually quite simple. You’ll soon learn that health isn’t a chore; it’s a choice – and one that rewards you tenfold. You’ll learn about the connection between health and weight loss/management. You’ll also learn the art of nutritious and delicious cooking that’s both quick and easy. And finally, you’ll learn how to alter your lifestyle and diet in a way that will give you long-lasting results, not just quick fixes. Your body is an incredible machine, and if you fuel it with the nutrients it needs and treat it with respect, you’ll never go back. That’s a promise.


In a nutshell, The Program hones in on the relationship you have with food and your body. I’m here to help you make it a positive one, so that you can be healthy for life.


So, what I need from you is this: an open mind, and a commitment to be the best possible version of yourself. Together, we’re going to map out a future full of health, energy and abundance.


Are you ready to feel more connected to your body?

Are you ready to take back control of your thoughts about yourself and food?

Are you ready for a life of balance?


I know you are!

More info and details about the program will feature on the blog and on my social media over the next few weeks – stay tuned #healthynotskinny.


xx JS


Don’t forget to take your journey with me – use the hashtags #TheProgram and #JSHealth – so I can see you and feature you on our pages!

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