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What is the Difference Between Organic & Non-Organic Dairy?

17 September 2016
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The difference between organic and non-organic dairy is something I’ve always found really interesting. From my personal experience and after working with my clients in clinic, I really notice a difference in improving digestion and gut health when opting for organic over non-organic sources of dairy.

From my perspective, these are the top 3 reasons why I do choose to make organic dairy a priority:

  1. Organic dairy cows do not consume harmful pesticides, chemical fertilisers or GMO plants through their food source, and they have been treated ethically.
  2. The cows are not treated with antibiotics or hormones. This means there are no traces of these substances in products from organic dairy farms.
  3. Certified organic also means that all organic farming methods take the environment into consideration by working in ways that sustain the existing ecosystems by conserving water, soil, and energy, with a focus on long-term land health and natural farming cycles.


As I always say, tune into how you digest and absorb different foods, and ultimately you’ll find what works best for your body.


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